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The audiobook for "Tears for the Samurai" will be available in the fourth quarter of 2023.


The paperback version will be released in 2024

Chronology of a Life: Rev. Zenko N. Okimura, Shihan



FEB 1952       Born in Iwakuni City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan


~ 1956 Arrives Hawaii


MAR 1961     Sees O'Sensei's Public Aikido Demonstration in Honolulu, Hawaii. (O'Sensei's First and Only Overseas Travel as Aikido Founder*)


OCT 1963      Begins Study of Aikido with Hirao Shihan at Koboji Temple at age 11.

Kisshomaru Doshu visits Hawaii for the First Time as Waka Sensei


FEB 1964       Grandfather, Bishop Kakuo, Passes Away in Honolulu, Hawaii


FEB 1967       Becomes Keishi and Receives Samurai Lineage Articles at Genpuku Ceremony


OCT 1968      Awarded Shodan Promotion by Ueshiba Morihei, Founder of Aikido


APR 1969       O'Sensei Passes Away in Tokyo, Japan


MAR 1971     Awarded Nidan Promotion by Ueshiba Kisshomaru Doshu


MAR 1975     Awarded Sandan Promotion by Ueshiba Kisshomaru Doshu


JUN 1975       Studies at Hombu Dojo under Kisshomaru Doshu and First Encounter with Moriteru Doshu as Waka Sensei


JUN 1977       Moriteru Doshu visits Hawaii for the First Time as Waka Sensei


OCT 1980      Ordination at Sanboin Mt. Koya Monastery, Wakayama Prefecture


JAN 1981       Receives Yondan Promotion from Ueshiba Kisshomaru Doshu at Hombu Dojo Kagami Biraki Ceremony


MAR 1981     Leaves Hombu Dojo and Goes to Sanboin Temple at Mt. Koya Monastery, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan


APR 1981- AUG 1983           Mt. Koya Monastery Training, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan


SEP 1983        Mt. Koya Monastery Assignment to Iwakuni, Konshoin Temple, Concurrent with Kisshomaru Doshu Assignment to Teach Aikido at Shobukan Dojo in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan


JUN 1984       Yu Jin (Okimura's dog) born in Tokuyama, Yamaguchi Prefecture; Becomes the Aikido Kids' Mascot


JAN 1986       Receives Godan Promotion from Ueshiba Kisshomaru Doshu at Hombu Dojo Kagami Biraki


JUN 1986       Mt. Koya Monastery Assigns to Henjyoji Temple in Honomu, Hawaii


FEB 1988       Pilgrimage Cross Country of the U.S. Mainland


JUN 1988       Attends USAF Shihankai with Akira Tohei, Yoshimitsu Yamada, Kazuo Chiba, Seiichi Sugano, and Robert Hiroshi Aoyagi at the Midwest Aikido Center in Chicago, Illinois


JUL 1988       Moves to Baltimore, Maryland to Teach Aikido


JUN 1989       Attends USAF Summer Camp with Kisaburo Osawa Shihan, in Providence, Rhode Island  


OCT 1991      Begins Teaching Aikido at the Karate Center in Newark, Delaware


APR 1993       Founds Aikido Delaware Aikikai and Builds its own Dojo on Dawson Drive in Newark, Delaware


JAN 1996       Father, Bishop Eisho Okimura, Passes Away; Attends Funeral at Koboji Temple in Honolulu, Hawaii


JAN 1997       Awarded Rokudan Promotion and Bestowed Certified Instructor Title by Ueshiba Kisshomaru Doshu at Hombu Dojo Kagami Biraki


JAN 1999       Attends Memorial Services of Ueshiba Kisshomaru Doshu at Hombu Dojo, Tokyo, Japan


JAN 2000       Attends Inauguration Ceremony and Celebration of Moriteru Ueshiba to the Position of Aikido Doshu in Tokyo, Japan


JUN 2000       Visits with Moriteru Doshu at USAF Summer Camp in Hamilton, New York


SEP 2000        Yu Jin, the Aikido Kids Mascot, Passes Away on 23rd in Newark, Delaware


MAR 2003     Forms the World Aikido Aikikai Inc. (WAAI)     


OCT 2007      Cooperates with Hawaii Aiki Kai Directors for its 50th Anniversary, and Coordinates WAAI Members to Attend Celebration in Honolulu, Hawaii. Hawaii Aiki Kai is the First American Non-Profit Aikido organization.


JAN 2009       Receives Nanadan Promotion at Hombu Dojo Kagami Biraki. Personally Presented by Ueshiba Moriteru Doshu in March at the Ueshiba Family Residence in Tokyo, Japan


FEB 2011       Coordinates WAAI Members to Attend the 50th Anniversary of O'Sensei's Visit to Hawaii in 1961 with Moriteru Doshu and Mitsuteru Ueshiba Waka Sensei


APR 2014       Celebrates Golden Aikido Year, 50 Years of Aikido Practice; Receives Congratulatory Letter from Moriteru Doshu Celebrating 50 Years as Aikido Member


SEP 2014        Hirao Shihan Passes Away at Age 93 in Honolulu, Hawaii


SEP 2019        Coordinates WAAI Members to Attend the 40th Anniversary of California Aikido Association with Moriteru Doshu in San Mateo, California


MAR 2020     WAAI Headquarters- Aikido Delaware Aikikai Goes into COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown


JUL 2020       Mother, Rev. Kosho Okimura, Passes Away at Age 101 in Honolulu, Hawaii


JUN 2021       WAAI Headquarters Dojo Reopens with State Health Pandemic Restrictions; Dojo Class held on the Same Day as the First Class 28 Years Ago at Samffathere Facility


JUN 2021       "WAAI Zoom and Dojo Gathering Summer Seminar," with Covid 19 Restrictions


7 MARCH 2022        Date of Death: Rev. Zenko N. Okimura Shihan